
Busway demo brings community together to say NO to GCP plans to destroy local greenbelt

An enormous THANK YOU to the 300+ people who turned out today to protest against the GCP’s plans to destroy our greenbelt. It’s fair to say that for those of us involved in its organisation and in the months of work behind the scenes to demonstrate that alternative routes are feasible, it was really overwhelming.

Particular thanks go to Roger French, Jon West and our marshals Geoff and Tom.

One of the purposes of the demo was to generate media interest and public debate in the run-up to the GCP’s critical decision date of 1st July. This is when it will decide whether to apply to the Secretary of State for a Transport and Works Act Order. If granted, the busway will be given the green light to plough through our greenbelt.

See if you can spot some familiar faces and voices on today’s ITV Anglia News, BBC Look East, BBC Cambridgeshire radio news, and in upcoming articles in Cambridge Independent and Cambridge News. Let’s hope council leaders, the GCP and our mayor are looking and listening too.

We will feed back on developments leading up to 1st July. In the meantime, best wishes to all and don’t forget to write to council leaders (see for who to write to and what you might wish to say)!

Also, photos from the demo are available here on the SPC website.