Stapleford Parish Council was very saddened to learn of the death of David Pepperell on 3rd June. He was our longest serving Councillor – wise and dedicated – but, more than that, he was our...
Residents thank Cllr David Pepperell for an incredible FIFTY years of service to Stapleford Parish Council
At Stapleford's Annual Parish Meeting on 4th May, scores of residents took a few moments to celebrate and thank Cllr David Pepperell for over 50 years of service to Stapleford Parish Council. Here is...
A long weekend fit for a King!
To celebrate the Coronation bank holiday weekend, Stapleford residents came together to picnic and enjoy music at the Rec (it didn't rain!!), and to give the village a spring clean as part of The Big...
Parish Council’s response to GCP’s Making Connections consultation
Stapleford Parish Council agrees that a good quality of life should be achievable in the absence of a car. However, GCP’s bus-based plans lack credibility in transforming Cambridge’s public...
The death of HM Queen Elizabeth II
Stapleford Parish Council received with great sadness news of the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, and extends condolences from the Council and the parishioners of Stapleford to her...
FREE summer tennis and basketball bookings at MUGA for local low-income households and Ukranian refugees
Stapleford Parish Council and Stapleford Tennis Club have joined together to offer 80 hours of free tennis and basketball sessions at Stapleford MUGA (multi-use games area), located at Stapleford...
Please help to keep public rights of way clear of vegetation and parked vehicles
Please remember to cut back overhanging branches and hedges along public rights of way outside your property, so that small children on bicycles or walking, those with pushchairs and people with...
Stapleford celebrates official playground opening, April 2022
Children from Stapleford Community Primary School’s student council cut the ribbon to formally open the updated Jubilee playground on 23 April. Families from across the village were then welcomed...
Interested in becoming a councillor? Let Jackie Weaver tell you more…
The viral sensation, Jackie Weaver, stars in a new video as part of the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) #MakeAChange campaign to get more people involved in their local parish/town...
Official opening of new playground – Sat 23rd April
Come and celebrate the official opening of Stapleford's new playground and try out our new multi-use games area (MUGA), too. From 2-4pm this Saturday, 23rd April, Stapleford Parish Council and...