At a rare Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council on Friday 18th June, approval was granted for the purchasing of two items that will help maintain the new MUGA playing surface. The Council...
Basil’s Piece Gets A Make-Over
Some funds were allocated to allow for a quick sprucing up of Basil's Piece. Click here to find out...
Exciting Proposals For The Playground Make Headway
A determined group of villagers have been working with the Parish Council to improve the Children's Playground on the Recreation Ground. Click here to see their latest...
MUGA: What A Difference A Week Makes
Many will have been passing the MUGA site and seeing the pretty rapid transformation in the past week. Recently the old surface has been levelled using two thin coats of porous asphalt: this is in...
Audio Recording of Annual Parish Meeting – May 2021
Please click here to listen to a recording of the annual parish meeting and the subsequent Parish Council meeting held on May 5th...
The MUGA Project: The Next Few Days
The surface has now had all the drainage holes made. The new edging for the courts is now being put in place. All the post holders for netball and tennis have been placed where they need to...
Audio of Parish Council Meeting April 2021
Please click here to listen to an audio recording of April's Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 22nd April...
Sports Facility Improvement Begins
The work to transform our tired tennis courts into amongst the best Multi-Use Games Area in the County started yesterday (22nd April 2021). ETC Sports are our chosen contractor and they have...
Audio of Parish Council Meeting March 2021
Please click here to listen to a recording of the Parish Council Meeting held on 10/03/2021. All queries related to this in the first instance to the Clerk...
MUGA Redevelopment Work: Safety First *UPDATED*
With work due to commence after **April 19th** on the new Multi-Use Games Area it is important that we give the community, and especially parents of young children, advance notice that the children's...