Many, many thanks to the 25 volunteers who gave up some of their weekend to plant hedging and trees in Stapleford's new community orchard, located behind the Slaughterhouse on Church St. This was a...
UK Power Networks – cabling work and associated storage compound on Haverhill Road
On 12th October 2023, representatives of UK Power Networks and contractor Kier attended Stapleford Parish Council's monthly meeting to address residents' concerns about extensive cabling works in the...
Please help to keep public rights of way clear of vegetation and parked vehicles
Please remember to cut back overhanging branches and hedges along public rights of way outside your property, so that small children on bicycles or walking, those with pushchairs and people with...
Can you support the Parish Council’s environmental work and help to reconfigure the Pavilion?
As somebody who has lived and worked in Stapleford for most of my life, and as a parish councillor, I really do believe that we have a Parish Council that is committed to trying to solve many issues...
Environmental work update, March 2022
We are currently living in extremely uncertain times with war raging in Ukraine that is driving global inflation and highlighting the world's reliance on fossil fuels. We urgently need to switch to...
Calling all amateur carpenters: bird, bat, owl, bee and hedgehog boxes needed!
Could you make creature (bird, bat, owl, bee, hedgehog) boxes for Stapleford Parish Council land? Or do you have any unused boxes we could have? We have simple designs for wooden boxes for...
Help shape Stapleford Parish Council’s response to plans to remove 10ha from local greenbelt for development – your chance to comment
YOUR CHANCE TO COMMENT Help shape Stapleford Parish Council’s response to plans to remove 10ha from local greenbelt for development In another article posted on the Parish Council’s website...
Stapleford Parish Council eco blog, Oct 2021
Stapleford Parish Council eco blog – Oct 2021 Stapleford Parish Councillors declared a climate and ecological emergency at their meeting on 7th October. We may not have as much influence as...
Stapleford Parish Council to host ‘Eco Social Evening’, 26th Nov: all welcome
Are you concerned about our changing climate and fragile ecosystems? Are you worried what sort of future your (grand)children will have? Do you wonder what you could do to make a difference? If so,...
SPC Unanimously Agrees To Declare A Climate And Ecological Emergency
Please click on this Submission to SPC on the Climate Emergency 300921 to see details of this important...