To Members of Stapleford Parish Council
You are hereby summoned to attend the MEETING OF STAPLEFORD PARISH COUNCIL on to be held on THURSDAY 3rd MARCH 2022 at 7.00pm in the Jubilee Pavilion, Gog Magog Way, Stapleford to transact the business in the agenda shown below. Members of the public and press are invited to attend and to address the Council in its open forum.
Belinda Irons
Stapleford Parish Clerk
25th February 2022
46.2022 Apologies
47.2022 Declaration of Members Interest: disclosable pecuniary, other disclosable, personal
48.2022 Minutes of the previous meeting:
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agree the minutes of the meeting held on the 3rd February 2022
49.2022 South Cambs District Council and Cambridgeshire County Council: Councillors reports
50.2022 Public comment
51.2022 Election: 5th May 2022
52.2022 Planning: Cllr B Kettel
APPEAL: Inspectorate Ref: APP/W0530/W/21/3274838
S/0022/20/FL Hill Trees, Babraham Road, Gt Shelford
Change of use of public house car park to parking for car sales
Planning application:
Reference: 22/00286/HFUL
Proposal: Single storey rear extension with Annexe to the side of dwelling Site address: Redbrooke House 40 Welchs Crescent Stapleford CB22 5FZ
Tree applications:
22/0127/TTPO 9 Vine Close, Stapleford
Lime: reduce crown
22/0153/TTPO Tennis Courts, Recreation Ground, Haverhill Road, Stapleford
Beech: reduce canopy extending over court; 30% canopy reduction
Greater Cambridge Planning: Local Plan
53.2022 Pavilion Management: Cllr Pett
Pavilion Management Sub-Committee: report
Access: unauthorised use: access code to be changed
Fencing: update
Bookings: History Society application to return to second Tuesday of October, December, January, March, May and July
54.2022 CSET & East West Rail: Cllr H Kettel:
55.2022 Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Flynn
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees to transfer £6,989 to Great Shelford Parish Council which will manage Neighbourhood Plan accounts going forward
56.2022 Finance
Accounts summary: Feb Meeting
Income Jan: £3,388.72
Expenditure Jan: £86,813.48
Income Feb: £1,508.39
Expenditure Feb: £12,101.50
Less S106 Ring-fenced: £53,840.32
Carried forward: £54,841.97
57.2022 Section 106 Reports
Shed renovation: Snagging update: Cllr H Kettel
Pavilion renovation incorporating a public access toilet: Discussion: Cllr Pett
Suggestion to seek advice/quote from Wilby & Burnett surveyors for internal reconfiguration of pavilion changing rooms/ kitchen extension
Play Area renovation: Cllr Pett
Art fund: Cllr G Pett:
58.2022 Sports Facilities & Agreements:
MUGA use inc Tennis, Football, Netball
Adult gym equipment: repair needed.
59.2022 Cemetery: Cllrs Gatward & Pett
Repairs to concrete caps: update
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees the revised interment and associated charges with immediate efect
60.2022 Environment, Ecology & Climate Change: Cllrs Flynn & Gatward
61.2022 Communications: Cllr Flynn
62.2022 Slaughterhouse & Gardens:
Lighting: moving light to rear of building: update
Gardens: renovation: update
63.2022 Queen’s Jubilee and Village Weekend: Cllrs Pett & Gatward
Gog Magog Way: road closure application
TENS application
Insurance requirement
64.2022 Clerk’s updates
Review governing documents:
Risk Assessment & Risk Assessment Inspection Sheets
Asset Register
Document storage: discussion/ decision
65.2022 Correspondence
66.2022 Dates of Meetings:
7th April, Wed 11th May (APCM: 8pm), 9th June, 7th July, 1st September, 6th October, 3rd November, 1st December
Annual Parish Meeting: 7th April?