To Members of Stapleford Parish Council
You are hereby summoned to attend the MEETING OF STAPLEFORD PARISH COUNCIL on to be held on WEDNESDAY 8th SEPTEMBER 2021 at 7.30pm in the Jubilee Pavilion, Gog Magog Way, Stapleford to transact the business in the agenda shown below. Members of the public and press are invited to attend and to address the Council in its open forum.
Belinda Irons
Stapleford Parish Clerk
1st September 2021
Please be advised that attendees are requested to:
1. Bring a face covering with them, and to wear it whilst entering and leaving the meeting.
2. Attendees are asked to use the hand sanitiser provided on entry and exit
3. To maintain a 2m social distancing space.
4. Anyone experiencing Covid or cold symptoms are asked to refrain from attendance.
5. Anyone who experiences Covid or cold symptoms within 10 days of attending the meeting is asked to report this to the Clerk who will contact all attendees and will also advise the NHS Track and Trace programme.
Item Ref. Item Lead Duration
131.2021 Apologies Chair 1 Min
132.2021 Declaration of Member’s Interest: disclosable pecuniary/ pecuniary/personal Chair 1 Mins
133.2021 Minutes of the previous meeting:
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agree the minutes of the Parish Meeting meeting held on 15th July 2021. Chair 1 Min
134.2021 Public discussion and presentation Public 3 min each
135.2021 South Cambs District Council & Cambridgeshire County Councillors: reports DC & CC 10 mins each
136.2021 Parish Council Resignation: Cllr Greenhalgh
Vacancies for co-option: 2 vacancies Chair 1 min
137.2021 Planning
21/03414/HFUL 3 St Andrews Close, Stapleford
Demolition of existing extensions. 2 storey side rear, singles storey front rear extensions
20/02929/OUT: Appeal
Land between Haverhill Road and Hinton Way, Stapleford
Outline planning for the development of land for a retirement care village in Use Class C2 comprising housing with care, communal health, wellbeing and leisure facilities, public open space, landscaping, car parking, access and associated development and public access countryside park with all matters reserved except for access:
21/03652/HFUL 2 Bar Lane, Stapleford
Single storey front extension to existing annexe and integration of annexe into main dwelling and single storey front porch extension to main dwelling
Dernford Lake
Neighbourhood Plan
Greater Cambridge Planning: Local Plan Call for Sites
Cllr B Kettel 12 mins
138.2021 East West Rail and CSET: updates
Chairman 2
139.2021 Finance:
Accounts summary: July Meeting
Income July: £5,268.52
Expenditure July: £16,050.98
Less S106 Ring-fenced: £153,737.54
Carried forward: £82,881.69
Expenditure for August & September will be reported to the meeting Chair/Clerk 2 mins
140.2021 Portfolio Reports & Updates Various 2 mins per item
a) S106 Stapleford Capital Projects Initiative:
Shed renovation
Pavilion renovation
Public toilet provision
b) Parish Pit: update
PROPOSAL : Following a public consultation, Stapleford Parish Council, as the Sole Trustee of the Public Stone, Chalk, Gravel and Clay Pit Charity (The Chairty) proposed to apply to the Charity Commission for a scheme to alter the purpose of The Chairty, seeks approval to sell the land for £1.00 (one pound) and to apply for a release of the permanent endowment restriction, and for approval to dissolve The Charity.
c) Councillors training requirements
d) Caretaker/ Handy Person/ Grounds Maintenance Person x 2
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees to advertise the vacancies for two Caretaker/ Handy Person/ Grounds Maintenance Person and seeks to fill them as soon as possible
e) Slaughterhouse:
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees to conduct a survey of parishioners to obtain a consensus of opinion on the future use of the Slaughterhouse
f) Sports agreements
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees the Stapleford Football Club licence for the 2021/22 season with a fee set at £1,250 to include use of toilets and storage Cllr H Kettel 12 mins
g) MUGA update
Maintenance regime
ETC request to use SPC for publicity
Cllr P McPhater 2 mins
h) Cemetery report Cllr B Kettel 2 mins
i) Environment, Ecology & Climate Change : ZCC offer of 6 free trees
Cllr M Gatward 2 mins
j) Highways
k) Recreation Field: car parking charges:
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford ParishCouncil herewith agrees the use of the parking facilities at Staleford Recreation Field by Stapleford Granary in return for an annual donation to the Parish Council of £100 (conditions apply)
l) Ecology: verges/ cemetery meadow/ other
m) Communications
Cllr J Flynn 8 mins
n) IT & Website Cllr J Raphael 2 mins
o) Management of key and access
p) Damage to windows: update
q) Play Area renovation:update
r) Womens Institute: permission sought to plant a commemorative centennial tree Cllr G Pett 8 mins
141.2021 Clerks’ updates and reports
a) Zero Carbon Communities: Grant: PECT inspection completed: thanks to Cllr Gatward for assistance
b) Pavilion: Sky/BT Openreach: line installation: still awaited
c) Pavilion & Slaughterhouse: electricity contracts: complaints raised
d) Street lights:
Chalk Hill: street light not connected
Granta Terrace: street light to be transferred from Gt Shelford to Stapleford PC when the contract is changed by CCC
e) Haverhill Road highways verge: tree management
f) Haverhill Road speed sign damage: update
Clerk 4 mins
142.2021 Correspondence:
Stapleford WI: permission sought to plant WI centenary tree
SASS Request for football agreement Clerk 1 mins
143.2021 Date of Next Meeting: To be held in the Jubilee Pavilion at 7.00pm
PC Meetings: 1st Thursday of each month
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees to change the time of the commencement of its meetings to 7pm
7th October, 4th November, 2nd December.
SCDC Cllr B Smith to attend the October meeting at 7pm
Clerk 2 mins
144.2021 Assistant Clerk appraisal: report by Clerk Clerk 5 mins