
MUGA Redevelopment Work: Safety First *UPDATED*

With work due to commence after **April 19th** on the new Multi-Use Games Area it is important that we give the community, and especially parents of young children, advance notice that the children’s play area will be closed for the duration of this 6 week project.

The MUGA work will involve removal of the existing fence, replacing the current court edging, digging root barriers and laying electrical cables to power the gate and the LED lights. On top of that machinery and trucks will be using the verge next to Haverhill Road to gain access to the site so as to avoid driving across the recreation ground and potentially damaging the playing surface. None of that can safely be done without establishing a perimeter around the site.

This will be an inconvenience for some and we will ensure access to the playground does reopen as soon as it is safe to do so but in the interests of everyone’s well-being the playground will be closed-off as soon as work commences.

We have moved the start date to avoid clashing with the Easter Weekend. There is also now a week delay due to importation delays of some of the materials.