
Cambridge Based Research Project

A request from Olivia James, a Masters student at UCL:

I write regarding a piece of research which I am currently conducting surrounding the social sustainability of growth in Cambridge from the perspective of local residents. I live and work in Cambridge, whilst studying for a masters in Town Planning at University College London (UCL). My final year dissertation is centred on the above piece of research and the results of a survey targeted at those living in Cambridge.

I was, therefore, wondering about whether it would be possible for you to share the link to the survey via the Parish Council’s social media / webpage or email?

The survey is short, is easily accessed via a web link and all responses will be anonymised with participants able to withdraw from answering questions at any point. It is available at the below link:

The survey has been in circulation for one week and I am anticipating closing it to further responses from next monday (27/07).

I look forward to hearing from you.