
Parish Council advice for residents responding to Rangeford’s ‘reserved matters’ planning application for the retirement care village on Haverhill Road

Many residents will be aware that Rangeford has lodged 138 documents (!) in support of its reserved matters planning application for the retirement village. The deadline for residents and the Parish Council to respond is Mon 7 Nov.

The Parish Council has hired a planning consultant to support us in drafting a response. Our main concerns centre around design, parking, scale and density, landscaping and the environment. We have put together some information to help residents with their own responses, identifying the most important documents to view and setting out some thoughts. Information about how to respond is also included. Click here to view this information.

Remember: the development is going ahead, it’s now about what it looks like and the impact it has on the village. This is the largest single development to impact us for decades – do please take this opportunity to have a say.