To Members of Stapleford Parish Council
You are hereby summoned to attend the MEETING OF STAPLEFORD PARISH COUNCIL on to be held on THURSDAY 9th June 2022 at 7.00pm in the Jubilee Pavilion, Gog Magog Way, Stapleford to transact the business in the agenda shown below. Members of the public and press are invited to attend and to address the Council in its open forum.
Belinda Irons
Stapleford Parish Clerk
1st June 2022
To assist in the speedy and efficient despatch of business, members requiring further information or clarification on items included on the agenda are requested to enquire prior to the meeting
113.2022 Apologies
114.2022 Declaration of Members Interest:
a) To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda
b) To receive written requests for dispensations for declarable interests
c) To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate
115.2022 Minutes of the previous meeting:
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agree the minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on the 11th May 2022
116.2022 SCDC & CCC Councillors reports
117.2022 Public Issues:
Members of the public and Councillors can raise matters of concern
118.2022 Planning: Cllr B Kettel
Planning applications:
22/01715/HFUL: 10 Priams Way, Stapleford
2 storey rear extension, conversion of garage to habitable space and alterations to front porch/ entrance (re-submission of 22/00162/HFUL): comments submitted before closure of application
22/01831/HFUL: 31 Gog Magog Way, Stapleford
Single storey rear extension and font entrance porch
22/01890/HFUL: 70 London Road, Stapleford
Part single & part double storey rear extension. 2 story side extension and single storey front extension. Resubmission of 21/00762/HFUL
22/-533/TTCA: 66 London Road, Stapleford
Proposal: 1 – Lawson Cypress at front – reduce height by 3m and trim all sides to control size
2 – Lawson Cypress on side (above Aylesford Road) – reduce height by 3m and trim all sides to control size
3 – Lawson Cypress (within Birch) – reduce height by 3m and trim all sides to control size.
Rangeford Village proposals re Retirement Development, Haverhill Road: Public Consultation open to 15th June
119.2022 Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Flynn
120.2022 Sports Facilities & Agreements:
MUGA use inc Tennis, Football, Netball
Adult gym equipment: repair needed.
121.2022 Environment, Ecology & Climate Change: Cllrs Flynn & Gatward
No Mow May: update
Queen’s Green Canopy
122.2022 Communications: Cllr Flynn
123.2022 Highways: Cllr Flynn
124.2022 Pavilion Management: Cllr Pett
Pavilion Management Sub-Committee: report
Fencing: update
Bookings: History Society application to return to second Tuesday update
125.2022 Playground
Adult gym equipment: maintenance costs
126.2022 CSET & East West Rail: Cllr H Kettel:
127.2022 Governance
Appointment of the Jubilee Pavilion Committee: Cllrs Pett & Gatward
Review governing documents:
a) Standing Orders
b) Financial Regulations
c) Risk Assessment
Document storage: discussion/ decision
Prioritising Projects Template
128.2022 Finance
Accounts summary: May Meeting
Income April: £9,761.65
Expenditure April: £48,677.27
Income May: £12,648.47
Expenditure May: £4,013.56
Less S106 Ring-fenced: £103,651.71
Carried forward: £110,460.41
June Expenditure to date;
Salary June £0.00
Salary June £0.00
PAYE & NICS June £0.00
Payroll £31.20
Pavilion: doors/ key pad/cores 2292 £198.00
Pavilion deposit reimbursement £200.00
pavilion cleaning 3111 £350.00
completion retainer 383 £937.88
Sctibe accounting system 2930 £777.60
Verges SI-1625 £408.00
Rec & Slaughterhouse SI-1652 £120.00
Cemetery SI-1639 £410.00
Slaughterhouse & Pavilion electric 4329 £2,256.00
Pavilion deposit reimbursement £200.00
Clerks mobile phones £16.80
Street Lighting electricity £0.00
B Irons June £42.66
TOTAL DEBITS -£5,948.14
129.2022 Year End & Audit:
Summary Receipts & Payments 2022: to be included in Minutes
Bank Reconciliation:
Brought Forward £289,226.80
Plus Receipts £231,365.69
Less Payments £337,321.17
TOTAL £183,271.32
Lloyds 2 account £1.45
Building Society Sapphire £12,128.64
Building Society Hallmark £53,904.31
Lloyds Current £11,772.75
Unity £106,099.33
Less unpresented payments £635.15
TOTAL £183,271.32
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees to accept the findings of the internal auditor and agrees to take appropriate action to ensure any recommendations are implemented.
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith review the effectiveness of the system of financial controls and make recommendations to ensure all risk is minimised
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees by resolution to ensure the electorate is able to exercise its public right to inspect the Parish Council accounts for a single period of 30 working days commencing Monday 27th June to 5th August 2022
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith review and agrees by resolution the Annual Governance Statement for 2021/22
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees by resolution the Accounting Statement for 2021/22:
130.2022 Section 106 Reports
Pavilion renovation incorporating a public access toilet: meetings update: Cllr Pett & Cllr H Kettel
Pavilion renovation: solar array installation: discussion
Play Area official opening: Cllr Pett
Art fund: Cllr G Pett:
Jubilee Pavilion & Recreation Ground entrance illuminated signage update
131.2022 Cemetery:
132.2022 Slaughterhouse & Gardens:
Lighting: moving light to rear of building: update
Gardens: renovation: update
Clearing building: update
Proposal for use: ‘Bike Shed’
133.2022 Queen’s Jubilee and Village Weekend: Cllrs Pett & Gatward
134.2022 Clerk’s updates
135.2022 Correspondence :
Gt Shelford PC: commemorative coins for school children request for funding: SPC explanation sent
Mrs W Elsbury: complaint: The Parish Council is not attending to local issues such as Dernford Lake (in Sawston)
136.2022 Dates of Meetings:
7th July, 1st September, 6th October, 3rd November, 1st December