
SPC Meeting Agenda 7 July 2022


To Members of Stapleford Parish Council
You are hereby summoned to attend the MEETING OF STAPLEFORD PARISH COUNCIL on to be held on THURSDAY 7th July 2022 at 7.00pm in the Jubilee Pavilion, Gog Magog Way, Stapleford to transact the business in the agenda shown below. Members of the public and press are invited to attend and to address the Council in its open forum.
Belinda Irons
Stapleford Parish Clerk
1st July 2022

To assist in the speedy and efficient despatch of business, members requiring further information or clarification on items included on the agenda are requested to enquire prior to the meeting


137.2022 Apologies

138.2022 Declaration of Members Interest:
a) To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda
b) To receive written requests for dispensations for declarable interests
c) To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate

139.2022 Minutes of the previous meeting:
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agree the minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on the 9th June 2022

140.2022 SCDC & CCC Councillors reports

141.2022 Public Issues:
Members of the public and Councillors can raise matters of concern

142.2022 Planning: Cllr B Kettel
Planning applications:
Reference: 22/02435/HFUL Proposal: Single storey side extension, minor amendments to rear openings, internal alterations. Site address: 3 Dukes Meadow Stapleford Cambridgeshire CB22 5BH: response by 13.7.2022

Reference: 22/02416/HFUL
Proposal: Construction of timber garden studio
Site address: 146 Hinton Way Great Shelford Cambridgeshire CB22 5AL
Response by 13.7.2022

Reference: 22/02535/HFUL Proposal: Garage conversion, Insulated render system to external walls. Replacement windows and doors. Site address: 14 Joscelynes Stapleford Cambridgeshire CB22 5EA

Reference: 22/02542/HFUL Proposal: External alterations of barn as part of creating ancillary domestic annex to main dwelling. ( Retrospective) Site address: The House On The Hill Hinton Way Great Shelford Cambridgeshire

Reference: 22/02627/HFUL Proposal: Two storey side and rear extension. Site address: 26 Priams Way Stapleford Cambridgeshire CB22 5DT

Rangeford Village proposals re Retirement Development, Haverhill Road: Parish Council site meeting: update.

143.2022 Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Flynn
144.2022 Sports Facilities & Agreements:
Tennis: Cllr Flynn update
MUGA use: Risk Assessment, processes and reporting: Cllr Flynn
Cricket: Cllr Pett update

145.2022 Environment, Ecology & Climate Change: Cllrs Flynn & Gatward
Queen’s Green Canopy

146.2022 Communications: Cllr Flynn

147.2022 Highways: Cllr Flynn

148.2022 Pavilion Management: Cllr Pett
Pavilion Management Sub-Committee: report
Fencing: update
Bookings: History Society application to return to second Tuesday update

149.2022 Playground
Adult gym equipment: maintenance: Kompan repaired leg: fly wheel cover not included and would be a separate cost and installation.

150.2022 CSET & East West Rail: Cllr H Kettel:

151.2022 Governance
Prioritising Projects Template
Minutes of Meeting: binding: costs: historical documents to be archived
Recording meetings: Options: discussion/ decision
Risk Assessment: routine inspections and reporting: process: Options
Contractors schedule of works: discussion/ decision

152.2022 Finance

Provision of Broadband to the Pavilion:
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees to enter into a 24 month contract with National Broadband which has an installation cost of £249.17 and a monthly charge of £35.00 all plus VAT

Accounts summary: July Meeting
Income June: £8,074.66
Expenditure June: £12,072.52
Less S106 Ring-fenced: £53,904.31
Carried forward: £159,136.33

Bank Reconciliation:

Brought Forward: £183,906.47
Add receipts £61,094.19
Less payments £31,941.77
Cash in hand £213,058.89

Lloyds 2 £1.45
Lloyds £11,519.76
Sapphire £14,075.28
Hallmark £53,904.31
Current £133,243.45
Less unpresented chq – £466.43
Plus unpresented receipt + £781.07
TOTAL £213,058.89

Total expenditure paid in June with additional payments authorised by Councillors by email dated post 15.6.2022:
Description Reference Value
Salary June £886.48 15.6.2022
Salary June £45.00 15.6.2022
PAYE & NICS June £347.75 15.6.2022
Payroll £31.20 15.6.2022
Pavilion: doors/ key pad/cores 2292 £198.00 15.6.2022
Pavilion deposit reimbursement £200.00 27.6.2022
pavilion cleaning 3111 £350.00 15.6.2022
completion retainer 383 £937.88 15.6.2022
Scribe accounting system 2930 £777.60 15.6.2022
Verges SI-1625 £408.00 15.6.2022
Rec & Slaughterhouse SI-1652 £120.00 15.6.2022
Village Weekend: reimbursement £33.20 27.6.2022
Village Weekend: reimbursement £466.43

Village Weekend marquee £2,739.74 27.6.2022
Slaughterhouse electricity £14.77 24.6.2022
Cemetery SI-1639 £410.00 15.6.2022
Slaughterhouse & Pavilion electric 4329 £2,256.00 15.6.2022
Pavilion deposit reimbursement £200.00 27.6.2022
Village Weekend fish & chips 3.6.2022 £975.60 15.6.2022
pavilion 3668177654 £159.00 27.6.2022
pavilion hygiene units empty 38809 £306.96 15.6.2022
Pavilion electricity £132.43 30.6.2022

Current Total -£11,996.04
Clerks mobile phones £16.80
Street Lighting electricity £13.34
B Irons June £46.34

-Lloyds Total -£76.48

TOTAL DEBITS -£12,072.52

July Expenditure to date;
Description Reference Value
PAYE & NICS July £317.94
Salary July £916.29
Salary July £126.00
Payroll July £31.20
Travel reimbursement July £59.40
Village Weekend reimbursement V/weekend reimb £913.00
Rec & slaughterhouse mow SI-1735 £120.00
Rec & slaughterhouse mow SI-1734 £120.00
verges SI-1733 £408.00
Cemetery SI-1709 £410.00
Rec & slaughterhouse mow SI-1692 £120.00
Playground inspection SI-1681 £114.00
Rec & slaughterhouse mow SI-1673 £120.00
Rec & slaughterhouse mow SI-1672 £120.00
pavilion cleaning 3112 £400.00

Current Total -£4,295.83

Clerks mobile phones July £16.80
Street lighting electricity July £0.00
B Irons July £46.34

Lloyds Total -£63.14

TOTAL DEBITS -£4,358.97

PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees the payments presented on the schedule, plus urgent payments authorised by email for June 2022 also shown above.

153.2022 Audit:
Documents emailed to PKF Littlejohn and loaded to website 13.6.2022

154.2022 Section 106 Reports
Pavilion renovation incorporating a public access toilet: Cllr Pett & Cllr H Kettel
Pavilion renovation: solar array installation: discussion
Art fund: Cllr G Pett:
Jubilee Pavilion & Recreation Ground entrance illuminated signage update

155.2022 Cemetery:
Headstone stabilisation update
Removal of Box plants due to Box Blight: update

156.2022 Slaughterhouse & Gardens:
Gardens: renovation: update
Clearing building: update
Proposal for use: ‘Bike Shed’

157.2022 Clerk’s updates

158.2022 Correspondence :
Mr B Sutcliffe: dangerous driving on Mingle Lane: request for PC assistance

159.2022 Dates of Meetings:
September: meeting date in September to be agreed at the July meeting, 6th October, 3rd November, 1st December