To Members of Stapleford Parish Council
You are hereby summoned to attend the MEETING OF STAPLEFORD PARISH COUNCIL on to be held on THURSDAY 3rd NOVEMBER 2022 at 6.45pm in the Jubilee Pavilion, Gog Magog Way, Stapleford to transact the business in the agenda shown below. Members of the public and press are invited to attend and to address the Council in its open forum.
Belinda Irons
Stapleford Parish Clerk
28th October 2022
To assist in the speedy and efficient despatch of business, members requiring further information or clarification on items included on the agenda are requested to enquire prior to the meeting
Business will be limited to a maximum time of 10 minutes per item excluding Planning and Proposals to Members
208.2022 Apologies
Absence without apology
209.2022 Declaration of Members Interest:
- a) To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda
- b) To receive written requests for dispensations for declarable interests
- c) To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate
210.2022 Minutes of the previous meeting:
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agree the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 6th October 2022
211.2022 Parish Council vacancies: Co-option
Councillors allocation of duties
212.2022 SCDC & CCC Councillors reports
213.2022 Public Issues:
Members of the public and Councillors can raise matters of concern limited to 3 minutes per parishioner or per item.
214.2022 Proposals to Members
Planning Consultant appointment:
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith appoints Nupremis Consultancy to respond to the Rangeford Retirement Villages reserved matters planning application at two and a half days work agreed in the sum of £1,375 (one thousand, three hundred and seventy five pounds)
Recreation Field: perimeter fencing:
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith appoints HCGM Ltd to install perimeter fencing and hedging to the Recreation Ground in the sum of £7490 (seven thousand, four hundred and ninety pounds)
Slaughterhouse Insurance
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith appoints AJ Gallagher Broker as insurer for the Slaughterhouse with a premium cost of £2,462.37 which is the cheapest quote available for a thatched building
Slaughterhouse Thatch
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith appoints Jeff Helme Thatching Service to rethatch the ridge on the Slaughterhouse in the sum of £3,250
Making Connection Consultation:
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith objects to the £5.00 congestion charge as it fails to address the environmental impact of cars and buses
Clerks mobile phones: change of service provider:
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees to change mobile phone service provider from Virgin Business to ‘3’ with a monthly charge of £5.00 per mobile
Cemetery: numbering system:
PROSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees to purchase metal plaques to ensure correct numbering and burial placement in the new cemetery from Tomlinson Steel in the sum of £1,092.50 plus VAT
FEOFFEE: Parish Council representative:
PROPOSAL: that Stapleford Parish Council herewith appoints John Swinton to replace Jez Raphael as the Parish Council representative on the FEOFFEE charity
215.2022 Planning applications:
Reference: 22/04303/REM
Proposal: Reserved matters application for additional access points, layout, scale, landscape and appearance following outline planning permission 20/02929/OUT (Outline planning for the development of land for a retirement care village in Use Class C2 comprising housing with care, communal health, wellbeing and leisure facilities, public open space, landscaping, car parking, access and associated development and public access countryside park with all matters reserved except for access)
Site address: Land Between Haverhill Road And Hinton Way Stapleford Cambridge: Rangeford Village
216.2022 Finance
October payments:
Description | Reference | Value | |
Salary | October | £916.29 | |
Salary | October | £253.80 | |
PAYE & NICS | October | £351.54 | |
Payroll | 56074 | £31.20 | |
external audit | CA0236/ INVSB20223549 | £960.00 | |
pavilion cleaning | 3116 | £400.00 | |
PC Insurance (not slaughterhouse) | YLL-2720871983 | £2,811.22 | |
Maps – CSET route | inv 000690 | £720.00 | |
Clear vegeation behind MUGA | SI-1925 | £588.00 | |
Clean MUGA surface | SI-1924 | £552.00 | |
Cemetery | SI1919 | £410.00 | |
Paint for telephone kiosk | 04/10/2022 | £82.36 | |
pavilion deposit refund | £200.00 | ||
pavilion deposit refund | £200.00 | ||
Bind minutes | 6239 | £270.00 | |
-£8,746.41 | |||
Virgin Business (DD) | Clerks mobile phones | £16.80 | |
Street Lighting electricity | Invoice not yet received | £0.00 | |
B Irons | November payment | £46.34 | |
-£63.14 | |||
TOTAL DEBITS | -£8,809.55 |