
SPC Meeting Agenda 3 November 2022

Agendas Uploaded on October 29, 2022


 To Members of Stapleford Parish Council

You are hereby summoned to attend the MEETING OF STAPLEFORD PARISH COUNCIL on to be held on THURSDAY 3rd NOVEMBER 2022 at 6.45pm in the Jubilee Pavilion, Gog Magog Way, Stapleford to transact the business in the agenda shown below. Members of the public and press are invited to attend and to address the Council in its open forum.

Belinda Irons

Stapleford Parish Clerk

28th October 2022

To assist in the speedy and efficient despatch of business, members requiring further information or clarification on items included on the agenda are requested to enquire prior to the meeting

 Business will be limited to a maximum time of 10 minutes per item excluding Planning and Proposals to Members



208.2022         Apologies

Absence without apology

209.2022         Declaration of Members Interest:

  1. a) To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda
  2. b) To receive written requests for dispensations for declarable interests
  3. c) To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate

210.2022         Minutes of the previous meeting:

                        PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agree the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 6th October 2022

 211.2022         Parish Council vacancies: Co-option

Councillors allocation of duties

212.2022         SCDC & CCC Councillors reports

213.2022         Public Issues:

Members of the public and Councillors can raise matters of concern limited to 3 minutes per parishioner or per item.

214.2022         Proposals to Members

Planning Consultant appointment:

PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith appoints Nupremis Consultancy to respond to the Rangeford Retirement Villages reserved matters planning application at two and a half days work agreed in the sum of £1,375 (one thousand, three hundred and seventy five pounds)

 Recreation Field: perimeter fencing:

PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith appoints HCGM Ltd to install perimeter fencing and hedging to the Recreation Ground in the sum of £7490 (seven thousand, four hundred and ninety pounds)

 Slaughterhouse Insurance

PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith appoints AJ Gallagher Broker as insurer for the Slaughterhouse with a premium cost of £2,462.37 which is the cheapest quote available for a thatched building

 Slaughterhouse Thatch

PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith appoints Jeff Helme Thatching Service to rethatch the ridge on the Slaughterhouse in the sum of £3,250

Making Connection Consultation:

PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith objects to the £5.00 congestion charge as it fails to address the environmental impact of cars and buses

 Clerks mobile phones: change of service provider:

PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees to change mobile phone service provider from Virgin Business to ‘3’ with a monthly charge of £5.00 per mobile

Cemetery: numbering system:

PROSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees to purchase metal plaques to ensure correct numbering and burial placement in the new cemetery from Tomlinson Steel in the sum of £1,092.50 plus VAT

FEOFFEE: Parish Council representative:

PROPOSAL: that Stapleford Parish Council herewith appoints John Swinton to replace Jez Raphael as the Parish Council representative on the FEOFFEE charity

 215.2022 Planning applications:

Reference: 22/04303/REM

Proposal: Reserved matters application for additional access points, layout, scale, landscape and appearance following outline planning permission 20/02929/OUT (Outline planning for the development of land for a retirement care village in Use Class C2 comprising housing with care, communal health, wellbeing and leisure facilities, public open space, landscaping, car parking, access and associated development and public access countryside park with all matters reserved except for access)

Site address: Land Between Haverhill Road And Hinton Way Stapleford Cambridge: Rangeford Village

216.2022         Finance

October payments:

Description Reference Value
Salary October £916.29
Salary October £253.80
PAYE & NICS October £351.54
Payroll 56074 £31.20
external audit CA0236/ INVSB20223549 £960.00
pavilion cleaning 3116 £400.00
PC Insurance (not slaughterhouse) YLL-2720871983 £2,811.22
Maps – CSET route inv 000690 £720.00
Clear vegeation behind MUGA SI-1925 £588.00
Clean MUGA surface SI-1924 £552.00
Cemetery SI1919 £410.00
Paint for telephone kiosk 04/10/2022 £82.36
pavilion deposit refund   £200.00
pavilion deposit refund   £200.00
Bind minutes 6239 £270.00
Virgin Business (DD) Clerks mobile phones £16.80
Street Lighting electricity Invoice not yet received £0.00
B Irons November payment £46.34
TOTAL DEBITS -£8,809.55


 Accounts summary: November: to be presented at the meeting

 PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees the payments presented on the schedule provided to Councillors by email in advance of the meeting

  217.2022         Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Flynn

218.2022         Sports Facilities & Agreements:

                        Cricket: Cllr Pett update

219.2022         Grounds Maintenance and Trees:

a) Queen Elizabeth II: Memorial Tree: Queen’s Green Canopy scheme extended to 23 March 2023

Log trees on the national map: Map – The Queen’s Green Canopy ( This can be done retrospectively too if you carried out plantings last year.

b) Slaughterhouse Garden repurpose: result of poll

c) removal of dead hedging and tree

220.2022         Communications: Cllr Flynn

221.2022         Highways:  Cllr Flynn

  1. a) Making Connections Consultation: open to 23.12.2022

The proposals are a once-in-a-generation opportunity to change how we travel in Greater Cambridge and the wider area, relieving pressure on the network and responding to air quality, cost of living and climate crises for a better, cleaner and safer future.

The survey, plus information about the proposals, including maps, frequently asked questions, dates of public meetings and ways you can share your thoughts can be found here:

b)Sawston Greenway: update

c) Parking outside the school: obstruction

d) CCC Consultation: PR0861 Proposed 40mph and 50mph

introduce a new 40mph speed limit on the A1307 from just north-west of Haverhill Road, Stapleford south-eastwards to beyond the Wandlebury Country Park access.

  • Introduce a new 50mph speed limit on the A1307 from the Wandlebury Country Park Access south-eastwards to the existing 50mph speed limit near Copley Hill Business Park.
  • Introduce a new 40mph speed limit on Haverhill Road, Stapleford from the A1307 for a short distance.
  • Introduce a new 50mph speed limit on the remaining length of Haverhill Road to meet the existing 40mph speed limit close to Stapleford village.

If you wish to make any comments they should be submitted in writing, as explained in the public notice, to be received no later than 18th November 2022.

e) Haverhill Road: Request for 20mph limit

f) Bury Road: Farm vehicles travelling at excessive speed

g) Bury Road/ Finches Close Junction: potholes

222.2022         Pavilion Management: Cllr Pett

                        Pavilion Management Sub-Committee: report

 223.2022         Playground

Climbing Frame: connections keep coming loose: SPC has approached Kompan for resolution

224.2022         CSET & East West Rail: Cllr H Kettel: update by email

225.2022         Section 106 Reports

Art fund: Cllr G Pett:

Jubilee Pavilion & Recreation Ground entrance illuminated signage update

226.2022         Cemetery

Commonwealth War Graves Commission: installation of signs indicating war graves at Stapleford Cemetery

227.2022         Slaughterhouse:

  1. a) Bier to be moved into container
  2. b) ‘Bike Shed’ and ‘Tool exchange’; update.

228.2022         Clerk’s updates

Highways verge management: awaiting response from CCC

229.2022         Correspondence :

                        SCDC Parish Liaison Meeting 12.12.2022 1800

Ms Davies: parking outside the school: obstruction

Ms Jepps: Ukrainian grant application

Mrs L Warth: request for PC to include comments re equestrian use in response to Cambridgeshire Active Travel Consultation.

Mrs L Warth: SPC response to Rangeford Villages Reserved Matters consultation: recommendation to comment on countryside park element regarding access

Dr Hirst: Speeding on Haverhill Road: request for 20mph limit

Ms H Stanley: Bury Road: speed of farm vehicles

Cambridge Nature Network: request to attend PC meeting to present

230.2022         Dates of Meetings:

                        1st December


5th January (Budget & Precept); 2nd February; 2nd March; 6th April; 4th May (APCM); 1st June (Audit); 6th July; 7th September; 5th October; 2nd November; 7th December

Annual Parish Meeting: TBA