
SPC Meeting Agenda 7th April 2022

Agendas Uploaded on March 31, 2022



To Members of Stapleford Parish Council

You are hereby summoned to attend the MEETING OF STAPLEFORD PARISH COUNCIL on to be held on THURSDAY 7th April 2022 at 7.30pm in the Jubilee Pavilion, Gog Magog Way, Stapleford to transact the business in the agenda shown below. Members of the public and press are invited to attend and to address the Council in its open forum.

Belinda Irons

Stapleford Parish Clerk

31st March 2022



67.2022           Apologies


68.2022           Declaration of Members Interest: disclosable pecuniary, other disclosable, personal


69.2022           Minutes of the previous meeting:

                        PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agree the minutes of the meeting held on the 3rd March 2022


70.2022           Public comment


71.2022           Election: 5th May 2022


72.2022           Planning: Cllr B Kettel

                        Planning application:


The Tree Public House: request that SPC apply to SCDC to remove Asset of Community Value classification to enable development to take place


73.2022           Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Flynn

74.2022           Sports Facilities & Agreements:


PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees to amend clause 8 of the Terms and Conditions of MUGA use to read “8. Tennis coaches registered with Stapleford Tennis Club may charge for tennis coaching services. All other coaches require written permission from Stapleford Parish Council to use the MUGA for coaching purposes. Exclusive coach equipment (such as ball machines/ball carriers) is restricted to these coaches only and to coaches registered with Stapleford Tennis Club and must be removed from the premises after use.

MUGA use inc Tennis, Football, Netball


Adult gym equipment: repair needed.


75.2022           Environment, Ecology & Climate Change: Cllrs Flynn & Gatward

FWAG: pond conservation project

No Mow May

Zero Carbon Communities: grant funding


76.2022           Communications & Highways: Cllr Flynn


77.2022           Pavilion Management: Cllr Pett

                        Pavilion Management Sub-Committee: report

Access: unauthorised use: access code changed

Fencing: update

Bookings: History Society application to return to second Tuesday update


78.2022           CSET & East West Rail: Cllr H Kettel:


79.2022           Finance

                        Accounts summary: April Meeting

Income Feb: £94,561.19

Expenditure Feb: £9,218.96

Income Mar: £4,550.20

Expenditure Mar: £22,283.16

Less S106 Ring-fenced: £103,651.71

Carried forward: £80,664.18


April Expenditure to date


80.2022           Section 106 Reports

Pavilion renovation incorporating a public access toilet: meetings update: Cllr Pett

Play Area official opening: Cllr Pett

Art fund: Cllr G Pett:

Jubilee Pavilion & Recreation Ground entrance illuminated signage update


81.2022           CemeteryCllrs Gatward & Pett


82.2022           Slaughterhouse & Gardens:

Lighting: moving light to rear of building: update

Gardens: renovation: update

PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees to remove the play equipment from the Slaughterhouse Garden with immediate effect


83.2022           Queen’s Jubilee and Village Weekend: Cllrs Pett & Gatward

TENS application

Insurance requirement


84.2022           FEOFFEE: Nomination of PC representative


85.2022           Clerk’s updates

                        Review governing documents:

Document storage: discussion/ decision

Zero Carbon Grants: open to 1.6.2022


86.2022           Correspondence

                        NALC: smaller Councils Committee: request for Parish Council input


87.2022           Dates of Meetings:

                        Wed 11th May (APCM: 8pm), 9th June, 7th July, 1st September, 6th October, 3rd November, 1st December