Stapleford and Great Shelford’s Neighbourhood Plan

Stapleford and Great Shelford’s Neighbourhood Plan

Stapleford and Great Shelford villages are working together to produce our Neighbourhood Plan. Visit our webpages at to find out more.

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

Our Neighbourhood Plan is a community-led initiative which outlines a vision and planning policies for the future development and growth of Stapleford and Great Shelford. It addresses a range of issues, including housing, climate change and biodiversity, our landscape, active travel and community amenities. Our policies will be used when considering all planning applications coming forward in our area during the Plan period 2024-41, from individual household extensions to large development proposals.

We cannot stop development, but at a time of great change in our region it allows us to say what Stapleford and Great Shelford want and need from growth. In short, this is our chance to shape the place where we live for the better.

How the draft Neighbourhood Plan has been created

A steering group of Stapleford and Great Shelford residents and parish councillors has been working to produce a combined Neighbourhood Plan on behalf of our two parishes, which have many important shared interests.

Community consultations in 2022 and 2023 helped residents and other stakeholders to influence the Plan by identifying and prioritising local issues, concerns and aspirations. This primary research contributed to the broad evidence base upon which our draft planning policies are based. You can view all of our evidence via our Neighbourhood Plan webpages.

What stage is the Neighbourhood Plan at now?

A draft version of the full Neighbourhood Plan is now available to view.

To this end, Stapleford and Great Shelford Parish Councils are running a formal consultation from 09:00 on Monday 11th March until 16:00 on Tuesday 30th April 2024, in accordance with Regulation 14 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2015. This is an opportunity for the local community to review and comment on the draft Plan before it is submitted to the local planning authority.

To find out more and to take part, click here to go to our consultation homepage.