

About the planning process

To view or comment on a local planning application, click here.

For guidance on how to submit a planning permission request, or to submit your planning request, click here.


Stapleford planning news and commentary

Regulation 14 Consultation on the draft Stapleford and Great Shelford Neighbourhood Plan IS LIVE! Click here to find out more and to take part. March 2024

Rangeford’s latest update on construction activity and plans for the upcoming period is available in its latest newsletter, April 2024.

Rangeford will be producing a regular newsletter for the Parish Council, detailing its progress in constructing a new residential care village on Haverhill Road. Here is the first.

SCDC approves Rangeford’s reserved matters planning application, Feb 2022. Read about it here.

SPC’s 3-minute presentation on 8th Feb 2023 to SCDC’s Planning Committee re. Rangeford reserved matters application.

Supplementary response to Rangeford Villages’ reserved matters planning application, submitted 5 Dec 2022.

Parish Council’s response to Rangeford Villages’ reserved matters planning application, submitted 4 Nov 2022.

Advice for residents wishing to respond to Rangeford’s ‘reserved matters’ planning application for the retirement care village and countryside park on Haverhill Road (24 Oct 2022).

Notes from the Parish Council’s onsite meeting with Rangeford Villages and visit to the information event (July 2022).

Parish Council’s response to Rangeford Villages’ pre-planning application consultation on retirement village and countryside park between Haverhill Road and Hinton Way (June 2022) – read it here.

Axis wins appeal to build retirement care village on Stapleford greenbelt (Jan 2022) – Parish Council response.

Help shape Stapleford Parish Council’s response to draft Local Plan proposals to remove 10ha from local greenbelt for development (Oct 2021) – find out more here.

SCDC Councillor Peter Fane comments on the ‘call for sites’ proposed plan for the land between Hinton Way and Mingle Lane (Sept 2021). His article is available here and will also be in the Oct 2021 issue of The Messenger.


Landscape character assessment

Parishioners considering the implications of planning applications or the current/emerging local plan on our immediate area may be interested in looking at our Landscape Character Assessment (LCA). As part of early work done on Stapleford and Great Shelford’s neighbourhood plan, an LCA was undertaken by a planning consultant and published in October 2019.

LCA documents identify and explain the unique combination of elements and features that make landscapes distinctive by mapping and describing character types and areas. They also show how the landscape is perceived, experienced and valued by people. A robust, auditable and transparent baseline LCA assists in informing judgements and decisions concerning the management of change – and hence has applications in planning decisions – helping us to protect and enhance the special qualities and distinctive characteristics of our area.

Our LCA is available to read here. It is intended to have widespread utility and we would be delighted if others within our community could benefit from its existence.


Stapleford and Great Shelford Design Guide

AECOM was commissioned in 2019 to provide design support to an initial iteration of the Stapleford and Great Shelford Neighbourhood steering group. The main objective of a design guide is to establish principles so that new development is designed and planned with regard to the existing character and context of the villages. The design guide is available to view here.