The Cambridge South East Transport project is a priority for the Greater Cambridge Partnership, creating a vital link to ease congestion, offer sustainable travel choices, connect communities and support growth. It would form part of the Cambridgeshire Autonomous Metro, providing high-quality, frequent and affordable public transport.
The Cambridge South East Transport project aims to provide better public transport, walking and cycling options for those who travel in the A1307 and A1301 area, improving journey times and linking communities and employment sites in the area south east of Cambridge.
Project Update
Greater Cambridge Partnership conducted a public consultation in late 2019 on a new travel hub near the A11/A1307/A505, a new public transport route between the A11 and the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, and new walking, cycling and equestrian links. The findings of the public consultation have now been analysed and can be viewed on the 2019 consultation page. The key findings include:
Over half of respondents (56%) indicated they support the more detailed proposals presented for consultation.
The response for each of the three travel hub locations was as follows:
- 46% of respondents supported ‘Site B’ with 30% opposing it
- 37% supported ‘Site A’ with 37% opposing it
- 44% opposed ‘Site C’ and 30 % supported it
There was no majority of support for any of the five routes for accessing the Travel Hub sites:
- Respondents were not clear on their support for the ‘Purple route (Site A)’, ‘Pink route (Site B)’, or ‘Brown route (Site B)’
- Respondents were opposed to both ‘Site C’ routes (‘Black’ and ‘Blue’ routes)
After reviewing the consultation feedback and assessing the scheme further, Travel Hub site B and the Brown route are being recommended as the preferred option to the Greater Cambridge Partnership Joint Assembly and Executive Board. Travel Hub site B is closest to the A11 and A1307 junction, and avoids the need to bridge over the A11. Consequently it is significantly less costly than Site C. Site A, while less costly, has poorer connectivity to the A11 and is less convenient for Babraham Research Campus.
Since the public consultation, the scheme details have been developed and the project’s Outline Business Case can now be viewed on the project’s background pages. The Outline Business Case makes the case for securing City Deal funding for the delivery of this project.
The findings from the public consultation, recommendations on the preferred route and the project’s Outline Business Case will be presented to the Greater Cambridge Partnership Joint Assembly meeting on 4 June and the Greater Cambridge Partnership Executive Board meeting on 25 June for their consideration. The Executive Board will then decide whether the proposals will go ahead and which travel hub site would be the preferred option. More information and papers on these meetings can be found on the Joint Assembly meeting page and the Executive Board meeting page.
Further detail on the project can be found on the GCP project website.