
New steering group formed to drive forward Stapleford and Gt Shelford neighbourhood plan

New steering group formed to drive forward Stapleford and Gt Shelford neighbourhood plan

A new steering group comprising Stapleford and Great Shelford parish councillors and residents has been formed to create a neighbourhood plan for the combined area. Such plans give communities more control over the type, location, size and design of development in their area. Once passed by an examiner and ratified by the community through a referendum, planning application decisions in Stapleford and Great Shelford would then have to take into account the policies set out in our neighbourhood plan.

Since a new draft Local Plan for Greater Cambridge is in progress at the moment, this is the ideal time to develop our neighbourhood plan. There will be many opportunities for community involvement, engagement and feedback as the project evolves.

For further information, please contact the Clerk of the steering group, Libby White, at, or the Chair, Jenny Flynn, at