The MEETING OF STAPLEFORD PARISH COUNCIL is to be held on THURSDAY 1st FEBRUARY 2024 at 7.00pm in the Jubilee Pavilion, Gog Magog Way, Stapleford to transact the business in the agenda shown below. Members of the public and press are invited to attend and to address the Council in its open forum.
Belinda Irons
Stapleford Parish Clerk
26th January 2024
26.2024 Apologies
Absence without apology
27.2024 Declaration of Members Interest:
- a) To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda
- b) To receive written requests for dispensations for declarable interests
- c) To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate
28.2024 Minutes of the previous meeting:
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agree the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 4th January 2024
29.2024 UK Power Networks & Rangeford: Haverhill Road utilities work: update
Joint Working Group with UK Power Networks and Rangeford: Issues:
Impact on local highways: including road closures/ damage
HGV impacts: including blocking Drift Track entrance and verge damage
Request for permissive use of land adjacent to Drift Track whilst construction in process.
Noise: including use of vehicle horns
Neighbour liaison
Speed limit
Rangeford Site: Light left on overnight
Bennett Construction: working outside permitted hours: reported to SCDC Enforcement: ZFKCNXRJ
30.2024 Public Participation Section:
- a) Members of the public are able to comment on items on the agenda or raise issues for future agendas
- b) To allow any members or the public or Councillors declaring an interest to address the meeting in relation to the business to be transacted at the meeting. Each person has 3 minutes to express their views unless there are a group of people attending on one item, when it is expected that there will be one person acting as spokesperson.
- c) At the close of this item, members of the public will not longer be able to address the Council unless invited to do so by the Chairman.
This item will take a maximum time of 15 minutes
31.2024 Neighbourhood Plan: update: Mrs Jenny Flynn (Chair)
32.2024 Parish Council resignation and vacancies:
Co-option: no applications received
33.2024 SCDC & CCC Councillors reports
34.2024 Gt Shelford & Stapleford Joint Issues:
- Transport: Cllr H Kettel
- Highways: Cllr H Kettel
- Shops and village centre
- Planning: Cllr B Kettel
- Caretaker: Cllr G Pett
35.2024 Planning applications:
23/04875/HFUL 3 Dukes Meadow Stapleford
Single storey side extension and Installation of 2no air source heat pumps. Response: 2.2.2024
23/04915/HFUL 28 Aylesford Way Stapleford.
Single storey extension to rear and side. Response: 2.2.2024
24/00124/HFUL 43 Priams Way, Stapleford
Ground floor front entrance extension and carport infill. Response: 2.2.2024
Appeal: 23/01782/FUL: Land rear of 51 Priams Way, Stapleford
Proposed new bungalow dwelling: Inspectorate Ref: APP/W0530/W/23/3327481
Send your comments to: The Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN. All representations must be received by 29th February 2024
SCDC: Consultation on the Greater Cambridge Housing Strategy 2024 – 2029: Discussion/decision
Street naming & numbering: Land at Haverhill Road/Hinton Way:
Suggested: Strawberry Fields and Meadow Walk
SPC alternatives: Travis Walk / Chalk Stream Way: discussion/decision
The Tree Public House: hoarding falling down/ building in disrepair: discussion
36.2024 Finance
Bank Reconciliation at 31/12/2024
(per Cash Book)
Bank Reconciliation at 31/12/2023
Cash in Hand 01/04/2023 227,562.39
ADD Receipts 01/04/2023 – 31/12/2023 136,047.21
SUBTRACT Payments 01/04/2023 – 31/12/2023 81,367.23
A Cash in Hand 31/12/2023 282,242.37 (per Cash Book)
Cash in hand per Bank Statements
Petty Cash 30/09/2023 0.00
2 Account 29/12/2023 283.97
Long Term Stocks & Bonds 30/09/2023 0.00
Sapphire 31/12/2023 15,717.19
Hallmark 31/12/2023 56,085.66
Current 31/12/2023 10,968.13
Unity Bank 31/12/2023 199,187.42
B Less unpresented payments
Plus unpresented receipts
Adjusted Bank Balance 282,242.37
A = B Checks out OK
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees the December bank reconciliation calculated through the Scribe accounting system, as amended with Building Society interest, against the bank statements emailed to all Councillors in advance of the meeting.
Payments for January:
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees the payments presented on the schedule provided to Councillors by email in advance of the meeting
Signatories update
Defibrillator: private donation £500; Village Hall Estates Fund grant £500;Government grant £750.
37.2024 Sports Facilities & Agreements: Cllrs Disley-Stevens & Green
- a) Tennis Club: Agreement: Resolution
- b) MUGA: maintenance:
ETC costs:
- Individually priced options:
Herbicide / moss treatment: £275 per visit x 2
Infill Regulation Brushing: £250 per visit x 4 minimum
Surface Cleaning contract: 1 year: £750; 3 year £700; 5 year £650 per visit x 2 minimum
2. Schemes:
Bronze: 2 x moss/weed treatment, infill regulation brush treatments x 2,
4 treatments in total: £1,550.00
6 treatments in total £2,050.00
Silver: Bronze plus additional moss treatment; 1 x Surface Cleaning treatment
4 treatments in total £1,775.00
6 treatments in total £2,275.00
Gold: Silver plus additional Surface Cleaning treatment
4 treatments in total £2,000.00
6 treatments in total £2,500.00
Reductions in price for 3 or 5 year contracts
Bronze:£100 to £150 reduction/saving per term
Silver: £175 reduction/ saving per term
Gold: £200 reduction/ saving per term
Recommendation/ proposal
- MUGA: light screening:
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees to purchase heavy duty screening to prevent light spill from the MUGA, from Leach’s (|+Search+Shopping+Debris+Netting&utm_agid=&utm_term=&creative=&device=c&placement=&adtype=pla&product_id=43473277747399&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA75itBhA6EiwAkho9e9l6S_kCy4IwkXfIc5SbfJ9uB2mFFoTqIlqFGXRxBDu-Xl8QFa6HPhoCfewQAvD_BwE in the sum of £240.14 plus VAT, plus installation.
38.2024 Grounds Maintenance and Trees:
Meeting with contractor: not achieved
Removal of litter bins
Slaugherhouse Garden: Orchard: trees on order
Recreation Ground: perimeter hedge: update
Grounds Maintenance Contract:
Tree Preservation Orders: trees for consideration
CCC Interim Corporate Woodland and Tree Strategy: SPC actions
39.2024 Communications:
40.2024 Highways: Cllrs Disley-Stevens
CCC 20mph scheme open: proposed Haverhill Road 20mph: application to be submitted
TRO : 24/202 : Hinton Way
SCDC Parking Enforcement: only appliable where there are yellow no parking lines. Obstruction still to be reported to the Police.
41.2024 Pavilion Management: Cllr Pett
- a) Pavilion Working Group: report:
- b) Pavilion renovations:
- BT/Openreach: Broadband issue: 8m gap between poles and building: Openreach scheduled to complete on 22.12.2023. Work not completed to date.
- British Gas Lite: smart meter not working since June 2023 – formal complaint submitted
- Pavilion maintenance:
- Rise & fall bollards: update
42.2024 Playground
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith instructs Broadmead Leisure Ltd to conduct play area maintenance in the sum of £375 plus VAT
43.2024 CSET & East West Rail: Cllr H Kettel:
CSET Update
The Combined Authority Local Transport and Connectivity Plan
Community Rail Partnership:
44.2024 Section 106 Reports
Art fund: Cllr G Pett:
45.2024 Cemetery:
Pressure testing headstones: 13th February commencing 08.30: notice on SPC website.
Application for a bench: decision
46.2024 Slaughterhouse:
Slaughterhouse: Cllr H Kettel: estate agent recommendation:
Planning application: up to £10,000: to include plan app, architect, ancillary and specialist reports
Estimates of financial potentials:
Sold without planning permission: £75,000
Sold with planning permission: £100,000
Sold as converted to a dwelling: £350,000
Building does not have water or sewage facilities.
Any disposal would require a public consultation
47.2024 Village Asset Management:
London Road telephone kiosk: defibrillator (potential £500 private donation) £500 grant received from Village Hall Estate Fund; London Hearts £750 grant. Matched funding requirement £750 plus electrical installation.
Speed indicator devices: replace/repair:
48.2024 Village Weekend: proposed website
49.2024 Correspondence :
Resident: Haverhill Road highway damage by contractors
Resident: Rangeford working hours breach: 22.1.2024: 20.00 hours working.
50.2024 Dates of Meetings: 2024
7th March; 4th April; 2nd May (Annual Parish Council Meeting); 7th June; 4th July; 5th September; 3rd October; 7th November; 5th December
Annual Parish Meeting: 11th April