Memorial Stability Testing
Stapleford Parish Council is about to start on the first phase of memorial stability testing in the Parish Council cemetery on Mingle Lane.
The Parish Council will be testing memorial headstones following Health and Safety guidance issued to all cemetery authorities.
The current phase of testing will involve checking all of the headstones following the latest guidance “Managing the Safety of Burial Ground Memorials” issued by the Burials and Cemeteries Advisory Group (January 2009).
Any headstone that fails will be risk assessed to determine the best way of making it safe. Unsafe memorials near to high risk areas such as pathways will be cordoned off and if in danger of imminent collapse, may be in the worst case be laid down. Warning signs will be displayed advising cemetery users.
The testing programme is anticipated to commence and be completed on the 13th February 2024.
Should you wish any information about testing procedures, please contact Cemetery Development Services the registered testing company on 01525 864387 who will be carrying out the work. OR The Stapleford Parish Council Clerk on 01763 838732.
Further information can be found on the council’s web site:
Stapleford Parish Council
Date of Notice: 10th January 2024