
Greater Cambridge Partnership: Local Plans and Call for Sites Public Webinars




We have now published the responses we received to the Greater Cambridge Local Plan First Conversation consultation in early 2020 (including the Call for Sites and Call for Green Sites), and the 2019 Call for Sites. The responses can be viewed on our website,

What does this mean?

We are publishing all the comments and sites we have received, so you can see the full results of the consultation in the interests of transparency. We are publishing all the sites submitted to us and, as would be expected, this adds up to far more land than we will need for new development. The suggested development sites and green sites we have received have no planning status at this stage, and the Councils have not made any judgement about which sites may be appropriate for development in the future.

We will now be developing the spatial strategy for the Plan, taking into account the comments received in the consultation about the big themes and vision for the area. Sites will only be selected if they fit with the wider aims of the Plan and are shown to be sustainable. Far more land has been suggested by landowners than will be needed for new development, and sites will be rigorously tested for their suitability.  The Councils’ suggested spatial approach and preferred sites will be put forward for full public consultation next year.

We will be holding some webinars to answer any questions you have about the information we are publishing.

Public webinars:

  • Monday 21 September, 12-1pm via Zoom.

Q&A – join the online Zoom webinar event

Passcode 221515

  • Tuesday 22 September, 12-1pm via Zoom.

Q&A – join the online Zoom webinar event

Passcode 739543