The Parish Council has submitted its comments on Greater Cambridge Partnership’s planning application CCC/22/072/FUL, which seeks to realign the junction of the A1307 and Haverhill Road. Vehicles will be prevented from turning right from Haverhill Road and the Gog Farm Shop onto the A1307. In summary, the Council states that:
“Whilst Stapleford Parish Council welcomes safety improvements at the junction of Haverhill Road and A1307, the planning application seeking to achieve this is over-engineered for its rural location, introduces a significant amount of light pollution in an environmentally sensitive area of otherwise comparatively dark skies, and does not fully consider the impact of the junction’s realignment on diversions through the wider neighbourhood. It also misses the opportunity to tackle speeding and parking issues along Haverhill Road.
Stapleford Parish Council submits that clearer crossing points for active travel, and minor road and junction redesign to reduce traffic speed and enforce compliance, could achieve similar benefits to this far more expensive proposal.”
You can read the Council’s full submission here.
The full set of planning application documents are available here.