Meeting starts at 7.00pm
72.2023 Apologies
Absence without apology
73.2023 Declaration of Members Interest:
- a) To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda
- b) To receive written requests for dispensations for declarable interests
- c) To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate
74.2023 Minutes of the previous meeting:
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agree the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 2nd March 2023
75.2023 Parish Council vacancies: Co-option
76.2023 SCDC & CCC Councillors reports
77.2023 Public Issues:
Members of the public and Councillors can raise matters of concern limited to 3 minutes per parishioner or per item.
- Proposals to Members
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees and approves the Honorary Freedom of Stapleford Parish Policy
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees to enter into an legal agreement to contract village warden and caretaking obligations to Gt Shelford Parish Council
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees that its street lighting energy contract is transferred to EPOS with immediate effect
79.2023 Planning applications:
23/00777/FUL Gog Magog Hills Estate, Wandlebury
Siting of mobile pop-up café
23/00917/HFUL 25 Hawthorne Road, Stapleford
Single storey rear extension
23/01053/HFUL 35 Gog Magog Way, Stapleford
Single and 2 storey rear extensions
23/01075/S73 31 Gog Magog Way, Stapleford
S73 to vary condition 2 (approved drawings) of ref 22/01831HFUL (single storey rear extension and front entrance porch), rear extension to have lean-to roof and render to front elevation
Other planning issues:
Rangeford Retirement Village: Reserved Matters Application: granted: SPC solicitor advice following response from SCDC: SPC decision.
80.2023 Finance
- a) Bank Reconciliation
Bank Reconciliation at 28/02/2023
Cash in Hand 01/04/2022 £183,906.47
Receipts 01/04/2022 – 28/02/2023 £137,613.97
Payments 01/04/2022 – 28/02/2023 £90,304.45
A Cash in Hand 28/02/2023 £231,215.99
(per Cash Book)
Cash in hand per Bank Statements
Petty Cash 31/12/2022 £0.00
Lloyds 2 Account 28/02/2023 £281.77
Long Term Stocks & Bonds 31/12/2022 0.00
Cambridge BS Sapphire 31/12/2022 £14,931.52
Cambridge BS Hallmark 31/12/2022 £54,187.60
Lloyds Current 24/02/2023 £11,551.67
Unity Bank 28/02/2023 £150,513.43
Less unpresented payments
Plus unpresented receipts
Adjusted Bank Balance £231,215.99
A = B Checks out OK
PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees the February bank reconciliation calculated through the Scribe accounting system, against the bank statements presented at the meeting
- b) March payments to date:
Description | Reference | Value | |
Salary | March | £962.44 | |
Salary | March | £56.50 | |
PAYE NICS | March | £335.66 | |
Payroll | £31.20 | ||
Villedomer and Basils Piece | SI-2243 | £756.00 | |
clean pavilion | 3122 | £400.00 | |
Pavilion deposit reimbursement | £200.00 | ||
pavilion: insurance claim excess | Invoice 2603 | £250.00 | |
Pavilion electricity | £730.55 | ||
Pavilion deposit reimbursement | £200.00 | ||
Playground inspections | SI-2279 | £114.00 | |
Cemetery mowing | SI-2264 | £410.00 | |
PC instruction re Rangeford Villages REM | STA7/1/PGL new matter | £800.00 | |
pavilion: water leak: pipework | inv 126 | £120.00 | |
pavilion deposit refund | £200.00 | ||
Councillor training | 3763 | £75.00 | |
Councillor training | 3748 | £75.00 | |
Pavilion cleaning | 3123 | £400.00 | |
Cemetery: hedge cutting | SI 2282 | £816.00 | |
pavilion deposit refund | £200.00 | ||
booking cancelled 22.3.2023 event date 24.3.2023 | £226.25 | ||
pavilion deposit refund | £200.00 | ||
Cemetery business rates | 3030105614 | £247.01 | |
Slaughterhouse business rates | 3030116772 | £424.15 | |
-£8,229.76 |