
SPC Meeting Agenda 6 April 2023

Meeting starts at 7.00pm


72.2023           Apologies

Absence without apology

73.2023           Declaration of Members Interest:

  1. a) To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda
  2. b) To receive written requests for dispensations for declarable interests
  3. c) To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate

74.2023           Minutes of the previous meeting:

                        PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agree the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 2nd March 2023

75.2023           Parish Council vacancies: Co-option

76.2023           SCDC & CCC Councillors reports

77.2023           Public Issues:

Members of the public and Councillors can raise matters of concern limited to 3 minutes per parishioner or per item.

  • Proposals to Members

PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees and approves the Honorary Freedom of Stapleford Parish Policy

PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees to enter into an legal agreement to contract village warden and caretaking obligations to Gt Shelford Parish Council

PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees that its street lighting energy contract is transferred to EPOS with immediate effect

79.2023           Planning applications:

23/00777/FUL Gog Magog Hills Estate, Wandlebury

Siting of mobile pop-up café

23/00917/HFUL          25 Hawthorne Road, Stapleford

Single storey rear extension

23/01053/HFUL          35 Gog Magog Way, Stapleford

Single and 2 storey rear extensions

23/01075/S73              31 Gog Magog Way, Stapleford

S73 to vary condition 2 (approved drawings) of ref 22/01831HFUL (single storey rear extension and front entrance porch), rear extension to have lean-to roof and render to front elevation

Other planning issues:

Rangeford Retirement Village: Reserved Matters Application: granted: SPC solicitor advice following response from SCDC: SPC decision.

80.2023           Finance

  1. a) Bank Reconciliation

Bank Reconciliation at 28/02/2023

Cash in Hand 01/04/2022                                                                                  £183,906.47


Receipts 01/04/2022 – 28/02/2023                                                                   £137,613.97



Payments 01/04/2022 – 28/02/2023                                                                 £90,304.45

A Cash in Hand 28/02/2023                                                                             £231,215.99

(per Cash Book)

Cash in hand per Bank Statements

Petty Cash 31/12/2022                                                                                       £0.00

Lloyds 2 Account 28/02/2023                                                                            £281.77

Long Term Stocks & Bonds 31/12/2022                                                          0.00

Cambridge BS Sapphire 31/12/2022                                                               £14,931.52

Cambridge BS Hallmark 31/12/2022                                                               £54,187.60

Lloyds Current 24/02/2023                                                                                 £11,551.67

Unity Bank 28/02/2023                                                                                       £150,513.43



Less unpresented payments

Plus unpresented receipts

Adjusted Bank Balance                                                                                   £231,215.99



A = B Checks out OK


PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees the February bank reconciliation calculated through the Scribe accounting system, against the bank statements presented at the meeting


  1. b) March payments to date:
Description Reference Value
Salary March £962.44
Salary March £56.50
PAYE NICS March £335.66
Payroll   £31.20
Villedomer and Basils Piece SI-2243 £756.00
clean pavilion 3122 £400.00
Pavilion deposit reimbursement   £200.00
pavilion: insurance claim excess Invoice 2603 £250.00
Pavilion electricity   £730.55
Pavilion deposit reimbursement   £200.00
Playground inspections SI-2279 £114.00
Cemetery mowing SI-2264 £410.00
PC instruction re Rangeford Villages REM STA7/1/PGL new matter £800.00
pavilion: water leak: pipework inv 126 £120.00
pavilion deposit refund   £200.00
Councillor training 3763 £75.00
Councillor training 3748 £75.00
Pavilion cleaning 3123 £400.00
Cemetery: hedge cutting SI 2282 £816.00
pavilion deposit refund   £200.00
booking cancelled 22.3.2023 event date 24.3.2023   £226.25
pavilion deposit refund   £200.00
Cemetery business rates 3030105614 £247.01
Slaughterhouse business rates 3030116772 £424.15


PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees the payments presented on the schedule provided to Councillors by email in advance of the meeting

  1. c) Signatories

PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith agrees to appoint Councillors Disley-Stevens and Bostrom as signatories on the Parish Council bank accounts.

81.2023           Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Flynn

82.2023           Sports Facilities & Agreements:

83.2023           Grounds Maintenance and Trees:

                        Meeting with contractor update




Slaughterhouse Garden



Removal of litter bins

84.2023           Communications: Cllr Flynn

85.2023           Highways:  Cllrs Disley-Stevens & Bostrom

                        Road Highways Initiative: speed reduction measures on Haverhill Road:

Potholes and highway maintenance update

86.2023           Pavilion Management: Cllr Pett

  1. a) Pavilion Management Sub-Committee: report
  2. b) Coronation:

Sunday, 7th May: village picnic commences 1pm,with live music at 2pm

Monday 8th May: village spring clean

  1. c) Caretaker/Village Warden: Gt Shelford PC has agreed to contract their staff to fulfil Stapleford PC caretaking and village warden services.
  2. d) Pavilion renovations: grant funding applications: discussion/decision

87.2023           Playground

                        Repairs: toddler swing shackles need lubricating

Bolt caps missing

Gate not closing properly

Slaughterhouse Garden: bin needs emptying

88.2023           CSET & East West Rail: Cllr H Kettel:

                        CSET Update

89.2023           Section 106 Reports

Art fund: Cllr G Pett:

Jubilee Pavilion & Recreation Ground entrance illuminated signage update

90.2023           Cemetery

91.2023           Slaughterhouse:

Future of Slaughterhouse: Cllr H Kettel:

Recommendations by the architect

Future actions: discussion

92.2023           Governance:

Noticeboard outside primary school needs either replacing or a door affixed to the front.

93.2023           Clerk’s updates

94.2023           Correspondence :

                        Gt Shelford PC: Traffic Infrastructure Policy

Stapleford Primary School: Collier Field


95.2023           Exclusion of Public and Press: PROPOSAL: That Stapleford Parish Council herewith excludes members of the press and public from the meeting in accord with Standing Orders 3 (d) due to the sensitive nature of the following item titled Freedom of the Parish Award


96.2023           Freedom of the Parish Award: Section 249 (5) of Local Government Act 1972, as amended by Section 29 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development & Construction Act 2009, allows the Council of a relevant authority (including a Parish Council) to admit to be honorary freemen or honorary freewomen


97.2023           Dates of Meetings:      2023:    4th May (APCM) 6.30pm start; 1st June (Audit); 6th July; 7th September; 5th October; 2nd November; 7th December          Annual Parish Meeting: 4th May: 7.30pm start